Oleg Shuplyak 's oil paintings with hidden optical illusions in them are truly a treat to the eyes. At first glance you'll see an ordinary painting, and then you will look at it again and again, with admirable awe. Take, for example, this painting to your left. The two birds drawn with different techniques yet appear so identical. The artist has brilliantly combined two images in one painting by placing objects and characters cleverly. Using correct colors and amazing brush strokes, he creates a surreal effect. Oleg's work is influenced by historical personalities including Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, Van Gogh, John Lennon and Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. These personalities are depicted so ingeniously in his work that the original painting is hard to observe and you will find yourself concentrating on the second image more. Take a look at his marvelous paintings below and do share what you feel about his work: - See more at: http://www.e-junkie.info/2012/...
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